
How to configure WordPress SEO Yoast to really take advantage

Configure WordPress SEO Yoast: Between specific configuration options and simple WordPress SEO by Yoast , the SEO plugin with multiple functions and settings WordPress SEO – including its plugins oriented SEO.
Further , the two are finally published simultaneously on each of our sites.
Although his real name is and Yoast WordPress SEO is the name of the editor, I sometimes will use to describe the Yoast plugin.

General panel

Disable the date display in the extract, it mobilizes precious characters in the “snippet”, keep them for your text rather traction.
Check “use the Keyword tag” even if it is useless to keep, it’s a matter of principle.

Panel Title

Moderately useful function except for the home page.
Here you can enter title templates and models descriptions for each page of your website, they will fill your failure if you forget to fill in these tags when a post publication.
It can happen to everyone.
Learn: Home, Yoast takes hold of the other settings on your blog (check)
Leave blank page and Post and force you to fill your tag each item, each page and each category.
Can not ask the types of pages that you do not de-index.
Abusing this feature produce titles and descriptions similar, redundant, very bad for your SEO.


Here, the choice divides the community of webmasters and SEOs and you choose your camp.
Allow indexing all pages aggregated by the different parameters of a blog can cause a large number of publications of the same article with different URL.
If your blog gives the canonical tag to the original article , Google is able to see that the text is mechanically duplicated. He likes so far this multiplication of the same content it indexes “for nothing” ?
Difficult to say so decided. As a precaution , I recommend de-index :
  • Pages “archive”
  • Pages “author”
  • Pages “search”
  • Pages “date”
  • Pages “Tags”
I treat the other hand the category pages because they can be 100% different from your article content .
But never involve more than two classes in the same article.
For this you must make the effort to write ” extract ” a very short summary in the provided field. ( Usually at the bottom of the edit page articles )
The blog categories and then display the extract rather than the first words of the article, which publishes different content. You can even make your very catchy extracts with the advice of Yvon and gain readership.
This recommendation applies to tags if those classes deindexed in return and if we keep the mastery of the number of keywords associated with an article …
It is one or the other.
It is likely that this internal duplicate content does not directly penalize the visibility of your article, it begs the question as regards your ” quality rank .” Personally, I doubt the flange.
So you tick the options according to your feeling.
I would add that I consider very useful tags for ” browsing experience ” in website usability rather than SEO optimization … but it is discussed


If you check the first box, WordPress SEO Yoast automatically generates an XML sitemap, and submit the updates to Google and Bing each adding content.
Just check that you want to notify Yahoo and Ask.
Yahoo has integrated with Bing and Ask dropped function search engine itself, or you can not check these boxes, as they say “it does not eat bread”


Page delicate technique, if you understand these options, play with, if not go your way, the only one I recommend is adding a slash at the end of your url to close them, it’s cleaner and more readable for engines.

Internal Links

Activate the breadcrumb if you have a vertical structure ( categories of items and pages parents)
Otherwise it does nothing .
Choose your separator ( recommended : the slash ” /”).
Choose an anchor text for your home page. Make the right choice . It should be understood that this is the home page but you can drag an important keyword .
This word will further enhance your home page .
You can work the titles (in fact anchors ) of each category page precisely why Yoast uses the word “prefix”
  • Prefix wire : it is a simple introduction text and not a hyperlink type = ” You are on “
  • Prefix archives : it is an anchor that takes the place of the word archive in Example Ariane wire ” items KEYWORD “
  • Prefix searches : this is an anchor instead of the word search ” research KEYWORD “
  • Ditto for your 404
You choose the taxonomy by category … if you followed me so far.
And you tick both boxes :
  • Emboldening
  • Try to add automatically
If your theme does not support the plugin , you will go through the manual method explained in the bottom of the page .

RSS Feed

Two fields to introduce and conclude your son feeds.
And the ability to create son who follow the blog, articles of a particular author and Anchor very nice choice.
The icing on the cake Yoast can import the contents of your meta tags, your son and your RSS Ariane son.
Here’s how:
  • Install WordPress SEO Yoast.
  • Import the relevant content based on your old plugin by checking the appropriate box.
  • Check that everything is present and not double.
  • Now check the “delete data after import” box.
You are happy with your settings? So make sure to back them important for a future site or if server crash (export function) …
Yoast generates a file that you can import from the same panel.

Edit the file

If you’ve never heard of htaccess redirect, do not venture to change any point of this file, your site is “down” at the slightest micro Improper modification.
I find it a little crazy to provide this sensitive file that is usually accessed via FTP … or a specific plugin.

To conclude

The tour of the features offered by this all-in-one SEO for WordPress is completed, some settings depend on your choice.
There is no perfect setup, there are only options to take or not.
Beyond these tips, do not forget to treat your every publication tag “Title” and your “Meta description”.
Hoping to be useful two or three of you.

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