
BuzzGFX CodeCanyon - Ninja Media Script v1.0.8 - Free Download - BuzzGFX

Ninja Media Script is a Viral Fun Media Sharing Script. This script is so easy to install and customize to make it your own. Users can sign up with Facebook, Google, or Email. This script allows users to upload and like Videos, GIFs, and any other kind of images. Full video support for YouTube, Vimeo, and Vine.
New Update 1.0.8 adds & fixes the following:
User can change permalink url when editing media.
User can edit media description.
Added Watermark support for image.
Fix google plus user ID to not include +
Updated missing strings in language files.

codecanyon-6822888-ninja-media-script.rar - 55.5 MB
codecanyon-6822888-ninja-media-script.rar - 55.5 MB


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