
BuzzGFX SocialAuth v4.0.1 (CodeCanyon - 1146263) - BuzzGFX

Socail Auth is a script that lets you authorize your sign-in with social newtorks like.
– Autoloading issue for shared hostings fixed – 01/05/2014
– NEW FEATURE: Debugging
– NEW FEATURE: User Activity
– NEW FEATURE: User Timeline
– NEW FEATURE: User Social Timeline
– NEW FEATURE: Installation GUI
– NEW FEATURE: Built-in login themes added(4)
– Refactored for Twitter v1.1
– Cookie/Session operations updated
– DB authentication/support added
– Facebook callback fields and permissions added to configuration
– Yahoo login support has been added to system
– Facebook login updated and all user information has been saved into session

codecanyon-1146263-socialauth.zip - 716 KB
codecanyon-1146263-socialauth.zip - 716 KB


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